Thank you for joining in with our very first challenge! Its great to see all the different styles and constructions. They are all fabulous and we have enjoyed looking at every one. We are hoping there may be a few late entries this evening - they will be added tomorrow morning.
We'll put all the names in a hat tomorrow evening to find our first winner.
If I've got any names wrong or have missed anyone out please email me.
Linda x
We'll put all the names in a hat tomorrow evening to find our first winner.
If I've got any names wrong or have missed anyone out please email me.
Linda x
Sharon -
Rosemary -
Sue -
Viola -
Jaqi -

Michele -

Patty -

Missy K -

Ros -

Chriss -
Denise -
Chriss -
wow..what a beautiful entries!!!:0)
Congratulations Linda and Rosie for your new challenge and good luck!
Gosh they all look so good, Nice work girls...
Thanks for the challenge Linda and Rosie.. I think we all liked this one.
I can see this is going to be a great adventure for us all.
Sharon x
Wow they are all so different, What a great response to your first challenge, Well done to Linda and Rosie for attracting so many people to the new blog so soon. I can see it will be popular and everyone will benefit from the wealth of inspiration I just know we are all going to find here.
And Well done to everyone who entered and to the lucky winner. Looking forward to the next challenge, Jaqi X
they are ALL amazing!!!!
just incredibly amazing!
Wowwee all amazing entries for the first challenge... really gorgeous!! Finally...better late than never mine is now on my blog. Thanks for forcing me to use my brain...and boy was I out of my comfort zone...but hey I got there in the end. Well I think I
Looking forward to the next challenge...matchbox at the ready :)
Chris xx
it's so cool to see how everyone has interpreted the theme their own way.
fun :)
I love that you posted the shrine this way. We can appreciate each creation all at once, after having spent time on the artist's site.
Thank you, that is very clever.
hello R n L,
Hey I managed
its on my blog.
thanx for the challenge girls.. no ink in printer so unable to print a famous person but the image I shrined (is that a word? it is now lol)is a real beauty.
chriss x
What a lot of fun to see so much creativity and originality! There were a few I missed, thanks for posting them here. Congratulations Rosie and Linda on your new and exciting venture! I am looking forward to continued fun with your Big Art Adventures!
These are all FABULOUS. I really like the different directions they all took. I have mine in progress, but, alas, life overcame ALL my intentions this week, and it is sitting on my craft table unfinished. I WILL finish and post later.
On to the match box. This week looks a LOT less busy/stressful.
been so busy i didn't get around to doing this challenge, but I adore what everyone has made...they are all so different. Hmmm I wonder if I will have time to produce something with a matchbox!
wow theres some beautiful creations I hope to beable to join in withe the challenges soon,
Crissi xx
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