I can't wait to make more of these. Its really nice to hold something thats decorated on all sides.
Rosie has taken the words Angels in the Architecture from a Paul Simon song.
Hopefully she's inspired you to have a go...........

More news to come about Artchix in the coming weeks - Rosie and I are very excited ...... so watch this space!
Wow, these are wonderful! I'm going to get the hubby to cut me some!! Thanks for the challenge!!
Rosie I love your block
Sharon xx
Rosie this is fab, what a beautiful example.
I think these blocks could be made for lots of different occassions, maybe for the 25 days of advent, or one for every year of a childs life , making them into building block ornaments in their rooms. Its endless, A great project and both Linda and yourself have once again given us the inspiration to achieve our own, Thank you, Jaqi xx
love Love LOVE! your block Rosie!
This is really beautiful !!!
So sad that I might not able to participate in this challenge. I can't get this ATC wood in my local store :(
Sooo cool! I wish I had some wood blocks to play with, haha!
Rosie your block is fantastic - love it
Mines on my blog
Thanks for looking
Thanks Rosie and Linda for this challenge......
I think this one is an endless challenge..... who would have thought A BLOCK OF WOOD is under all this artwork.....
I have completed this weeks challenge which I have enjoyed doing
Sharon xx
A work of art Rosie = Lovely!!! You gals have really inspired me....again :) oxo
My Block is on my blog...thank you for the challenge!
Ive just posted my blocks on my blog. You can find them here
Thanks for looking and thanks to Rosie and Linda for another great challenge. Jaqi x
Rosie's block is so stunning. Both of you(Rosie and Linda) have got me inspired. I haven't been creating lately since I have been really sick but both of you have got me excited to get in my room and make something :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful pieces.
Girls everything you two create has me gaping with my mouth open they are so beautiful and I am so glad to be part of your art adventure. It really is fun :D
I finished my block (it's on my blog now) and I can't believe myself how much I enjoyed doing it.
Thanks girls
Chris xx
Wow! What a great project! We have so many chunks of wood around here, I will probably have to do some more. Thank you, you wonderful, creative things, you!
Mine is Here
Please forgive me for being so late!
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